Light vs. Easi-Lite


The Optimistic Owners Prior to uS (OOPS) got as far as drywalling the stairwell, but not installing a light.

There was, however, power to the switch box and wire to the attic with extra length at the end, so there was flexibility as to placement of pendant light.

All I needed now was a scaffold, and wouldn't you know it there was one leaning right there in the hall--a solid wood door I picked up free to replace the hollow core ones that came with the place. It spanned the gap beautifully, doorknob and all, and instantly attracted the cats. Stepping in the middle of it might've been dicey, but standing at the edge provided better footing for drilling the 4" hole for retrofit ceiling fixture.

Cats on the ladder impeded my progress, but eventually they let me climb back into the attic to poke the Romex down through the hole. After that is was short work to wire and hang the light, an antique I picked up off a free table years ago. One of those items you take a shine to and bring home even though you've got no need for it--and most likely never will.

I had no plans for the light when I acquired it, no place to use it, barely enough room to store it, but it spoke to me of less hurried, golden hued days. Sunlight in a library, summer by a lake. No way of knowing then that it was destined for this place, but the intuition paid off.

At the bottom of the stairs, the den is undergoing a rapid transformation. For months now it's been practically a no-go zone, dark and cold, drafty and unfinished, with lumber stacked all over the place, used for little more than storage. But I've been chipping away at all its weird issues for the past week and have started hanging sheetrock on the walls after a lot of tedious prep.

Before starting the ceiling, I took advantage of the open framing to do some light seismic retrofitting and sealing air leaks. One reason I prefer Rockwool is you can sort of take it back out as needed. Certainly not the ideal way to treat it, but sometimes ya gotta.

 It had been a while since I fired up my compressor and felt the rat-a-tat-tat thrill of a palm nailer. Once the straps were on, the cracks foamed, and the insulation stuffed back in, it was time to start humping in sheets of drywall from the garage.

Easi-Lite is neither.

Actually, it's not so bad. But it is heavy and unwieldy, all the worse when installing overhead, which is why I'm glad I bought a panel lift, the best 200 bucks I spent last year.

Even with the lift, I needed Sarah's help to position the last piece for the day. Still plenty more to go, but it's starting to feel like a usable room and it's going to be a pity to button up the ceiling when the insulation goes so well with the couch...


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